More than 250 secondary school students take part in the first edition of this project that promotes the defence of human rights through the verification of data between young people and adolescents of the Comunitat Valenciana
Newtral journalist Emilio Doménech, Unió de Periodistes vice-president Violeta Tena and Participación Ciudadana general director María Jesús Pérez are awarded with the best works of the student body and encourage them to continue building critical citizenship and participatory
Check any suspicious information we receive on mobile phones or digital platforms and stop its spread if it is not true, misleading or threatens the dignity of a group or person. With this basic premise in mind, the more than 250 secondary school students worked to participate in the first edition of the Crítica project, promoted by Jovesólides to promote respect for human rights through the verification of information, with the aim of curbing rumours and fake news, a plague that has increased greatly among young people and adolescents with the popularisation of social media.
This has also been the conductor thread of the videos that have elaborated the student body and that have projected themselves in the Fundación Bancaja of València in the context of Crítica. A jury consisting of Newtral journalist Emilio Doménech, the vice-president of the Unió de Periodistes Valencians, Violeta Tena, and the current DG of civic participation, María Jesús Pérez, highlighted the high quality of all the works and awarded prizes to the most outstanding ones.
A prize for the creativity, group ‘Los felices’ of the IES Conselleria de València
A prize for the edition, group ‘Trululu’ of IES El Clot de València
A prize for the best social treatise aspect , group ‘Los verificadores’ of the IES Sedaví
Summary of the audiovisual jobs of the student body of Crítica
During the award ceremony, the jury members encouraged the young people present to build critical citizenship and participate in strengthening the democratic system In addition, journalist Emilio Doménech held an inspired conference in which he emphasised the value of empathy to end discussions about the hate that floods social media.
In the workshops, students acquired tools to contrast written and visual information and independently confirm its truthfulness and authenticity. Once established, they also receive their own resources to stop the spread of toxic information, if necessary.
In the next school course, the project will be continued in other centres of the Comunitat Valenciana.
Crítica is a project of education for the global citizenship financed by the Conselleria of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality of the Generalitat Valenciana. You can follow all the news on the project with the hashtags #Crítica and #QueNoTeLaCuelen on social media.
Video summary of the event