Changing the world has no age limit

More than 200 older people discover the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during a special edition of Nada Trivial held in Novelda.

The inclusion project Nada Trivial has landed in the Alicante town of Novelda to celebrate a special event in which more than 200 elderly people from the municipality, Elda, Dolores, Elche and San Juan took part. During the event, held at the local municipal sports centre, the attendees worked on the main SDGs linked to poverty, equality, integration, multicultural coexistence and tolerance through two fun role-plays that left no one untouched. They have also had the opportunity to propose actions for change to improve the environment in which they live.

The regional secretary for Cooperation and Democratic Quality, Toñi Serna, opened the conference together with the mayor of Novelda, Francisco Martínez, and the president of Jovesólides, Lourdes Mirón. The three of them encouraged all those present to continue fighting to change the world because, as they explained, they are an exemplary generation that has led many historic changes and still has a lot to contribute.

A humorous performance by Las Couchers served as an introduction to the general framework of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs before embarking on two fun group role-playing exercises, in which the participants played at putting themselves in the shoes of other characters. Thanks to 'The Race of Life', they have immersed themselves in the difficulties that migrants face in their daily lives, such as lack of opportunities, racism, labour abuse, inequalities, rejection and lack of basic rights. In 'The Seeds We Leave Behind' they have analysed how everyday hatred and prejudice only lead to discrimination, conflict and collective poverty.

One of the most emotional moments was experienced after the dynamics of reflection when three women, on behalf of all the participants, presented the authorities present with interesting challenges and concrete proposals for action with the aim of improving coexistence and integration in their immediate surroundings.

The special edition of Nada Trivial in Novelda has concluded with the collective determination that change for social justice is in everyone's hands and with the conviction that there is no age limit to change the world.

The Nada Trivial project is funded by the Regional Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality.

Do you want to relive the day? Here is a summary of images and a video.