The Ágora cooperation project seeks to consolidate business initiatives driven by 80 young people with scarce resources and generate an entrepreneurial ecosystem in a country with youth unemployment rates above 30%
Ágora has just been launched in the Colombian department of Bolívar with the aim of consolidating the entrepreneurial initiatives of 80 young people with economic difficulties and thus promote their social and labor insertion. The cooperation project led by Jovesólides Spain together with Jovesólides Colombia and Conviventia will pay special attention to women, affected by structural unemployment rates double those of men in a country with youth unemployment rates above 30% since 2020.
Ágora's training program seeks to strengthen the specific skills and knowledge of the young participants, who also have at their disposal an area of guidance and advice through a personalized coaching service that will help them to strengthen the skills of each project and strategically guide each young person according to their entrepreneurial initiative. In short, the aim is to strengthen the implementation of projects already underway, detect their main needs, reinforce their business strategy and ensure their sustainability over time.
A new entrepreneurial ecosystem in Colombia
The Agora project was born with the purpose of articulating a new entrepreneurial ecosystem in Colombia through the creation of a network of support and actions for sustainability that favors the coordinated work of various key actors in the region.
In this regard, Cartagena de Indias will host the Agora-Emprende fair in 2024, a meeting and networking space that will serve to present the results of the project as well as the success stories of the young participants. Two political and social advocacy roundtables will also be held, with the participation of various key actors, to raise possible solutions to the difficulties that prevent the consolidation of more entrepreneurial projects among Colombian youth.
As a culmination, Valencia will host a closing event where the situation of social entrepreneurship in Latin America and Spain, its challenges and joint opportunities for cooperation will be addressed.
Ágora is a co-development cooperation project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana through the Vice-presidency of Social Services, Equality and Housing and led by Jovesólides Spain together with Jovesólides Colombia and Conviventia, in collaboration with the Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional.
You can follow all the news of the project through the hashtag #ÁgoraEmprende in Social Media.